Organize your last-minute Christmas list with Todo

Organize your last-minute Christmas list with Todo

We’re less than a week away from Christmas and you’ve got all the presents wrapped and under the tree. Now you can just sit back, relax and enjoy the holidays…Now wouldn’t that be nice? Every year we want to be that person, but somehow the holiday creeps up on us and we find ourselves left with hundreds of things to do and not that much time to do them.
If you can relate to this, the good news is that you aren’t alone. 40% of shoppers wait until 10 days before Christmas to purchase their gifts. Ready for the even better news? There’s still time to get organized and keep the holiday stress to a minimum.
Using Todo to organize your list
Todo makes it easy to organize your tasks and stay on top of your Christmas to-do list. Within an hour, you could have all the to-dos that have been keeping you up at night out of your head and into your pocket so you can carry them with you wherever you go. You can even share your list with others so that you can work together and accomplish the tasks with enough time to enjoy the Christmas season.
How do you get started? Great question. Here are three easy steps to help you get organized using Todo:

  1. Create a list – Open the app and create a list. You can keep it as simple as “Christmas”. Don’t over complicate it. This is about getting stuff done.
  2. Create a checklist(s) – Create a checklist for each person you need to buy presents for.
  3. Create tasks – Create a task for each of the presents you need to buy in each of the checklists you just created.

For a more detailed explanation of organizing your Christmas list with Todo please read How to easily manage your Christmas list with Todo.

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