A lot of factors go into a successful camping trip: the people you share it with, the place you choose to camp, the weather, etc. But more than any other factor, enjoyment of camping comes down to how well you plan and what you pack. Just think about it — the right entertainment can compensate for bad company, the right clothes can compensate for bad weather, a good first aid kit can compensate for some poison ivy or bug bites, and great meals can make up for a less-than-spectacular view. Here’s how to use the Todo app to plan, pack for, and execute the perfect camping adventure.
Planning When to Take the Camping Trip

Though it’s a good idea to check the long-range forecast before nailing down your camping dates, weather should not be the primary consideration. Unless you have tornadoes or monsoons, good planning and packing can make up for less-than-pristine weather conditions. Instead, focus on 1.) when you are most likely to be able to break away from work and other obligations, 2.) when the lightest crowds will be at the campgrounds, and 3.) when your preferred companions are free to go with you.
The Todo app is ideal for tracking what other obligations might keep you from getting away, as well as coordinating when your companions’ schedules are free. You can share your Todo calendars and lists with others. To find the smallest crowds, choose a trip during the middle of a workweek, or select a weekend right after a long weekend when everyone else has just returned from their camping trips.
Planning What to Take on the Camping Trip

You will need to make multiple lists and have a way to organize each list to pull up when you need it. For instance, you’ll want to make a list of items to take care of back home, such as who will feed the pets, water the plants, and bring in the mail. You’ll also need a list of items to keep in the car or truck cab, such as maps/GPS, snacks, and entertainment for the ride. When preparing your list for camping, you’ll want to separate this list into two: the items you have and those you need to buy.
Also, create a list of ‘what if’ items, such as ‘what if someone gets hurt’ or ‘what if it gets cold or rains’ and even ‘what if we can’t do the main thing we wanted to do’. Sometimes you arrive at a state or national park only to find that they have suspended swimming, fishing, hiking, biking, or some other activity due to local circumstances. Make sure you have a backup plan so that the whole trip isn’t ruined. The Todo app lets you share these lists with your partner or other companions so that everyone knows what to bring, what someone else is bringing, and what needs to be picked up before the big day. Designate who has what responsibilities, such as who is in charge of setting the home alarm system and who is supposed to fill up the propane tanks.
Visualize Yourself Through the Trip
Experienced campers find that it’s very helpful to mentally walk through the entire experience to remind yourself of items you’re forgetting. Picture yourself driving to the camp, setting up camp, preparing meals, cleaning up, bathing, preparing for bed, etc. As you visualize these activities, easily forgotten items like dish soap and garbage bags pop into your mind. Add these items to your Todo app immediately so that you won’t forget again when the time comes to pack.
Pack one day prior to leaving so that you can make necessary adjustments and have time to recall anything you overlooked. Don’t forget to double-check all of the lists you’ve created in your Todo app before heading out!